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How Do I...Make an Appointment with my Academic Advisor?

To schedule an appointment with your academic advisor through the Navigate system, follow these instructions.

  1. Go to
  2. Click on Schedule an Appointment (blue box)
  3. Select Undergraduate Student Advising, then the Service which is either your major or department (example a Math major would choose Mathematics Advising), and the date you would like to have an appointment. Click Find Available Time.
  4. Select an appointment time that works for you.
  5. Add a comment to let your advisor know what you would like to discuss during this time.
  6. Finally, click Schedule.
  7. You will receive a confirmation email (including a Zoom link if meeting virtually) upon signing-up for an appointment. You will receive reminder emails closer to the date of the appointment.

Who is my academic advisor?

You can find your primary assigned advisor’s name in the View your General Student Information section of HokieSPA. You can see a full list of your academic advisors and their email in Navigate by going to the Resources icon, then click on People.