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Forms may be E-forms or PDFs. E-forms are completed entirely online, typically using Microsoft Forms, requiring no physical signature. PDF forms should be downloaded from this page and saved to your computer. Students should fill out the PDF digitally and send via email for signatures and submission. There is no need to print these forms. If you need accommodations to complete any of the forms below, please email for assistance.

Academic Appeals Process and Petition (PDF)
Appeal to the University Academic Appeals Committee to allow a student put on suspension to return to classes. Requires NON-medical extenuating circumstances. Appeals for medical reasons should be submitted to Schiffert Health Center. Appeals for mental health should be submitted to Cook Counseling.

  • Appeal materials are due at specific times
  • Process to appeal: 
    • Reflect on your past semester and the circumstances that you believe led you to this point and discuss this with your academic advisor.
    • Submit the form to your advisor who will get the form to your Associate Dean. Any questions can be directed to 540-231-8440. 
    • Before your Academic Appeal will be officially submitted, a meeting between yourself and the Dean, will be scheduled to review your appeal. This meeting may be in person or phone conference depending on the time of year in which your academic appeal is filed.

Authorization for Release of Academic Information (FERPA) (E-Form)
Allows your advisors and other authorized university officials to discuss information in your academic records with persons you specify. Access to form is through Hokie Spa > FERPA.

Authorization to Take Courses at Another Institution (E-Form)
Requests permission to take courses at another institution and receive credit for an equivalent course at VT.

Authorization to Take Courses Abroad (Study Abroad)
Request permission to take courses abroad (on an exchange or third-party program) and receive credit for courses at VT. This is not required for a faculty-led program that includes pre-approved VT classes associated with the study abroad.

  1. You must register your experience with the Global Education Office first.
    • Search for your program on the Global Education Office website. By registering you will have a study abroad account that has all the mandatory paperwork you need to submit.
    • One of the forms in your study abroad account will be the “Authorization to Take Courses Abroad Form” which you will need to submit for your credits to be reviewed for transfer credit. On this form, the Global Education Office needs to approve the travel location and make sure the school abroad is accredited. Do not list any course work on this form prior to receiving the Global Education Office signature.
  2. After the study abroad location and school are approved by the Global Education Office on the “Authorization to Take Courses Abroad Form”, add the list of specific classes you plan to take and find a syllabus for each one.
  3. Schedule an appointment with your University Studies advisor to discuss and submit the “Authorization to Take Courses Abroad Form” with Global Education’s approval, the list of classes you plan to take, and a course syllabus for each class. Your advisor will help you coordinate approval for the study abroad classes.

Contact with questions.

Authorization to Take Courses at a Non-US University (International Students)
For international students to request permission to take courses at an institution in their home country and receive transfer credit for courses at VT. Students must register their experience with the Global Education Office like a study abroad program.

By registering you will have a study abroad account that has all the mandatory paperwork you need to submit. One of the forms in your study abroad account will be the “Authorization to Take Courses Abroad Form” which you need to submit for your credits to be reviewed for transfer.

  1. Register your experience with the Global Education Office.
    • Search for your program on the Global Education Office website (links above).
    • On the “Authorization to Take Courses Abroad Form,” the Global Education Office needs to approve the travel location and make sure the school abroad is accredited. Do not list any course work on this form prior to receiving the Global Education Office Signature.
  2. After the study abroad location and school are approved by the Global Education Office on the “Authorization to Take Courses Abroad Form”, add the list of specific classes you plan to take and find a syllabus for each one.
  3. Schedule an appointment with your University Studies advisor to discuss and submit the “Authorization to Take Courses Abroad Form” with Global Education’s approval, the list of classes you plan to take, and a course syllabus for each class. Your advisor will help you coordinate approval for these classes.

If you need help finding the information to complete the form, please email the Global Education Office,

Questions about class evaluations for transfer credit may be directed to Academic Advising Initiatives,

Final Exam Change Request (PDF)
Requests a change in the time of a final exam that is NOT a common-time exam. Requires having either 3 or more exams scheduled to begin within 24 hours, or 2 or more exams with times that conflict. This form requires student to obtain instructor(s) digital signature before submitting to Deadlines for submission are indicated on the Academic Calendar.

Overload Request (E-Form)
Requests permission to take more than 19 credit hours.

Petition to Add a Course after the deadline (E-Form)
Requests permission to add a class late (extraordinary circumstances are required for this request to be granted).

Petition to Drop a Course after the deadline (E-Form)
Requests permission for a late drop (extraordinary circumstances are required for this request to be granted).

Resignation/Withdrawal (E-Form)
Students wishing to resign or withdraw from all classes in a term will complete this form. The term withdraw is used when this request is submitted by the first day of classes; after the first day of classes this process is called a resignation.

Undergraduate Research/Independent Study (PDF)
Requests permission to earn credit (1-3 credits) for an undergraduate research or independent study experience. This form requires students to collaborate with their intended experience's instructor to fill out information on the experience and how it will be graded. This form requires students to obtain the instructor's digital signature before submitting to by 5:00 p.m. on the 3rd day of the semester.

"W" Grade Policy (E-Form)
Requests a status of Withdrawn (W) for a particular class in place of a grade. Can be applied to 3 courses, regardless of credit hours.

Other Forms

Forms for requesting Generated ID numbers, Certifications, in-state residency, and academic transcripts are available from the Registrar.