How Do I...Course Request?
What is "Course Request"?
Course Request is the period each semester during which you are permitted to request courses for the next term. Please note that you request courses only during this period. For this semester's Course Request dates, please visit the Academic Calendar and select the term that you would like to take the classes you are requesting.
How does Course Request work?
During the Course Request period, you can access Course Request in HokieSPA. Go to the Course Registration and Schedule Menu, then select Course Request. You will need to know the CRN (5-digit number) for each class you wish to take, as this is the information you submit to request a course.
To view course information, including CRN’s, review the How to read course information website. During Course Request, use the Browse Classes menu instead of Add/Drop Register for Classes. All other search options will be the same.

Do I improve my chances of getting the courses I need by submitting my Course Request early in the period?
No, it does not matter if you are the first person to submit Course Request or the last. Preference is based on class standing, not on timing.
When will I know which classes I have been assigned?
It will take about three weeks to get your Course Request results back. You will return to the Course Registration and Schedule Menu in HokieSPA, then select Course Request Results to see which of the classes you requested have been added to your schedule for the following semester.