Student Stories: Linley

What are your major/majors & minors?
My major is Construction Engineering and Management.
When entering Virginia Tech, what majors/themes were you considering?
When first coming to Virginia Tech, I knew I wanted to do engineering but I didn't know what kind. At first thought I wanted to pursue either mechanical or electrical, which is hilarious now because neither of those are for me in the slightest (I am really bad at Physics).
How did you explore majors at Virginia Tech?
I explored majors through my Pathways to Success class freshman year. We were required to go to the majors fair and also to do a majors project which really helped narrow down the engineering fields I thought I would fit into. This project helped me reevaluate myself and really think about talents I possess and also what I wanted to do with my life.
When did you declare your major? (end of freshmen year, sophomore year, etc.)
I declared my major 3 days before the start of my sophomore year. I submitted the form about a month before the start of the semester and I found out during my Peer Mentor training that I had successfully made it into the College of Engineering and into Construction Engineering. It was a really exciting day for me.
Why do you love Virginia Tech?
I love Virginia Tech because it's been the place that has helped shaped me into an adult and the person I am today. It has taught me many lessons about myself and about other people that will stay with me for the rest of my life. I love Virginia Tech because it's my home.
Briefly describe your favorite moment at Virginia Tech
My favorite moment at Virginia Tech would have to be during the Notre Dame football game, me and one of my best friends went to get matching tattoos while everyone else was tailgating. This is definitely an odd moment, but one that I wouldn't trade for the world. I love this moment because being Virginia Tech has given me the confidence to do bold things way outside of my comfort zone, and also has given me some of the best friends I will ever have.