Student Spotlight: Nathan

What are your major/majors & minors?
I am majoring in Material Science and Engineering, and minoring in Green Engineering
When entering Virginia Tech, what majors/themes were you considering?
I was open to any sort of engineering or science, but I also had interests in film and business that I was also considering.
How did you explore majors at Virginia Tech?
I originally would look up the type of job or company I thought I might like, and then try and see what major would qualify me for that. However, I altered my strategy to focus more on what major I might enjoy based off of class requirements and course descriptions, along with lots of perspectives from older students who were currently in the majors I was interested in.
When did you declare your major?
I declared at the end of my freshman year in May.
Why do you love Virginia Tech?
I love Virginia Tech for so many reasons. I always enjoy walking/exploring the campus, hikes in the surrounding area, the fantastic food, the incredible sense of community, the energetic atmosphere, the intramural sports, and the strong sense of school pride!
Briefly describe your favorite moment at Virginia Tech.
My favorite moment was the walk I took the evening before my first day of class freshman year. It was a quiet walk across the drillfield on a beautiful summer day, and I was able to reflect on where I was, what it took to get here, and what I would do to make the most of it. I was prime with anticipation and excitement, and that was the moment I knew without a doubt that Tech was the right home for me.